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Cure ‎- Wish
513 261-1, FIXH 20
2 LP Album

prodáno / already sold

Cure ‎- Wish  513 261-1, FIXH 20

Deváté studiové album britské alternativní rockové skupiny The Cure, vydané 21. dubnal 1992 u Fiction Records v UK a u Elektry v USA

Toto album je poslední studiovou nahrávkou s Borisem Williamsem, první s Perry Bamontem a také po šestnácti letech poslední pro Porla Thompsona


The ninth studio album by a British alternative rock band The Cure, released on 21 April 1992 through record label Fiction in the UK and Elektra in the US

The record is the final studio album featuring Boris Williams and the first featuring Perry Bamonte, as well as being the last album featuring Porl Thompson for sixteen years


  • Bass, Keyboards - Simon Gallup
  • Drums, Percussion - Boris Williams
  • Guitar - Porl Thompson
  • Guitar, Bass [6 String], Keyboards - Perry Bamonte
  • Voice, Guitar, Bass [6 String], Keyboards - Robert Smith
  • Producer - David M. Allen, The Cure


Europe 1992
Polydor, Fiction Records, 513 261-1, FIXH 20

vnitřní obaly s texty/
inner sleeves with lyrics



A1 Open 6:51
A2 High 3:37
A3 Apart 6:38
B1 From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea 
B2 Wendy Time 5:13
B3 Doing The Unstuck 4:24
C1 Friday I'm In Love 3:38
C2 Trust 5:32
C3 A Letter To Elise 5:14
D1 Cut 5:55
D2 To Wish Impossible Things 4:43
D3 End 6:45






