Devadip - Oneness, Silver Dreams - Golden Reality
S CBS 86037
LP Album
prodáno / already soldStudiové album Carlose Santany z roku 1979
Jde o druhé sólové album ze tří, které vyšlo pod jeho sanskrtským jménem Devadip, které mu dal Sri Chinmoy
Na albu se podíleli členové jeho skupiny Santana a sestává hlavně z instrumentálních skladeb a balad
The 1979 studio album by Carlos Santana
It was his second of three solo albums to be released under his temporary Sanskrit name Devadip, given to him by Sri Chinmoy
The album features members of the band Santana, and consists mostly of instrumental songs and ballads
- Arranged By [Strings], Conductor [Strings] - Clare Fisher
- Bass - David Margen
- Drums - Graham Lear
- Keyboards, Synthesizer - Tom Coster
- Percussion - Armando Peraza, Raul Rekow
- Producer, Arranged By, Guitar, Bells, Vocals - Devadip Carlos Santana
UK 1979
CBS, S CBS 86037
rozevírací obal, vnitřní obal s texty a kredity/
gatefold cover, inner sleeve with lyrics and credits
A1 | The Chosen Hour | 0:38 |
A2 | Arise Awake | 2:05 |
A3 | Light Versus Darkness | 0:48 |
A4 | Jim Jeannie | 3:30 |
A5 | Transformation Day | 3:47 |
A6 | Victory | 1:09 |
A7 | Silver Dreams Golden Smiles | 4:09 |
A8 | Cry Of The Wilderness | 3:10 |
A9 | Guru's Song | 3:06 |
B1 | Oneness | 6:21 |
B2 | Life Is Just A Passing Parade | 5:12 |
B3 | Golden Dawn | 2:17 |
B4 | Free As The Morning Sun | 3:14 |
B5 | I Am Free | 1:25 |
B6 | Song For Devadip | 5:03 |
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