Europe - Rock The Night
EPC 650171 6, 12" maxi-single
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Singl nahraný švédskou hardrockovou skupinou Europe
Píseň napsal zpěvák skupiny Joey Tempest v roce 1984 a měl premiéru na turné Wings of Tomorrow ten samý rok
Byl vydán dvakrát: v roce 1985 jako singl ze soundtracku k švédského filmu On the Loose, a v roce 1986 jako druhý mezinárodní singl z alba The Final Countdown
A single released by the Swedish hard rock band Europe
The song was written by vocalist Joey Tempest in 1984 and premiered on the band's Wings of Tomorrow tour the same year
It was released twice; in 1985 as a single from the soundtrack to the Swedish film On the Loose, and in 1986 as the second international single from the album The Final Countdown
Holland 1985
Epic, EPC 650171 6
A1 | Rock The Night | 4:07 |
A2 | Seven Doors Hotel | 4:56 |
B1 | Stormwind | 4:29 |
B2 | Wings Of Tomorrow | 3:57 |
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