James Brown - Gravity
SCT 57108, Album
prodáno / already sold
Gravity je studiové album Jamese Browna z roku 1986
Bylo z velké části napsáno a produkováno Danem Hartmanem a Charliem Midnightem, autory singlového hitu Living in America, který předcházel vydání tohoto alba a byl použit ve filmu Rocky IV
Gravity is a studio 1986 album by James Brown
It was largely written and produced by Dan Hartman and Charlie Midnight, the authors of the album's previously released hit single Living in America, which was prominently featured in the film Rocky IV
UK 1986
Scotti Bros. Records, SCT 57108
A1 | Gravity | 6:00 | |
A2 | Let's Get Personal | 4:28 | |
A3 | How Do You Stop | 4:49 | |
A4 | Turn Me Loose, I'm Dr. Feelgood | 3:10 | |
B1 | Living In America | 5:58 | |
B2 | Goliath | 6:16 | |
B3 | Repeat The Beat (Faith) | 4:19 | |
B4 | Return To Me | 4:38 |
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