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James Brown - I'm Real
INT 147.331, Album, white

prodáno / already sold

James Brown - I'm Real   INT 147.331

Album Jamese Browna z roku 1988, vydaný na Scotti Bros. Records labelu
Všechny skladby byly produkovány, napsány a aranžovány Fullem Forcem, s výjimkou I'm Real (napsali společně Full Force a Brown) a It's Your Money $ (napsal a produkoval Brown)

A 1988 album by James Brown and was released on the Scotti Bros. Records label
All of the tracks were produced, written and arranged by Full Force, with the exception of I'm Real (co-written by Full Force and Brown) and It's Your Money $ (written and produced solely by Brown)

Germany 1988
Scotti Bros. Records, INT 147.331
bílý vinyl/white vinyl


A1 Tribute 0:22
A2 I'm Real 5:33
A3 Static (Parts 1 & 2) 4:51
A4 Time To Get Busy 5:15
A5 You And Me 4:36
B1 Interview 0:42
B2 She Looks All Types A' Good 5:22
B3 Keep Keepin' 5:28
B4 Can't Give Enuf 4:43
B5 It's Your Money $ 5:35
B6 Godfather Runnin' That Joint 2:31

