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Jelly Roll Morton And His Red Hot Peppers - Jelly Roll Morton And His Red Hot Peppers
DLP 1016
10" EP, mono

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Jelly Roll Morton And His Red Hot Peppers - Jelly Roll Morton And His Red Hot Peppers  DLP 1016

Red Hot Peppers byl studiový jazz band, vedený Jelly Roll Mortonen v letech 1926-1930
Byl to sedmi, nebo osmičlenný soubor, založený v  Chicagu, který nahrával pro label Victor a zahrnoval nejlepší nezávislé muzikanty hrající New Orleanský styl, včetně kornetisty George Mitchella, trombonisty Kida Ory, klarinetistů Omera Simeona a Johnnyho Doddse, banjistů Johnnyho St. Cyra a Budy Scotta, kontrabasistů Johna Lindsaye a bubeníků Andrewa Hilaire a Baby Doddse


Red Hot Peppers was a recording jazz band led by Jelly Roll Morton from 1926-1930
It was a seven- or eight-piece band formed in Chicago that recorded for Victor and featured the best New Orleans-style freelance musicians available, including cornetist George Mitchell, trombonist Kid Ory, clarinetists Omer Simeon and Johnny Dodds, banjoists Johnny St. Cyr and Bud Scott, double bass player John Lindsay, and drummers Andrew Hilaire and Baby Dodds


UK 1953
His Master's Voice, DLP 1016




A1 Doctor Jazz Stomp
A2 Jungle Blues
A3 Seattle Hunch
A4 Shoe Shiner's Drag
B1 Low Gravy
B2 Harmony Blues
B3 The Chant
B4 Freakish
B5 Jelly Roll Blues


