Lou Reed / John Cale - Songs For Drella
7599-26140-1, WX 345
LP Album
prodáno / already soldSpolečné studiové album dvou dřívějších členů americké rockové skupiny The Velvet Underground, kytaristy a zpěváka Lou Reeda a violisty, zpěváka a klávesisty Johna Calea
Album vyšlo v dubnu 1990 u vydavatelství Sire Records
Jde o koncepční album pojednávající o americkém malíři Andy Warholovi, který byl v šedesátých letech rovněž manažerem skupiny Velvet Underground
Slovo Drella v názvu alba byla Warholova přezdívka, vzniklá ze slov drákula (anglicky dracula) a popelka (anglicky cinderella)
The common studio album by two former members of the American rock band The Velvet Underground, guitarist and singer Lou Reed and violinist, singer and keyboardist John Cale
The album was released in April 1990 by Sire Records label
It is a concept album dealing with the American painter Andy Warhol, who was in the sixties also manager of Velvet Underground
Drella word in the title of the album is the Warhol's nickname, originated from the words of Dracula and Cinderella
- John Cale - vocals, keyboards, viola
- Lou Reed - vocals, guitar
UK & Europe 1990 (manufactured Germany)
Sire, 7599-26140-1, WX 345
vnitřní obal a příloha s texty/
inner sleeve and insert with lyrics
A1 | Smalltown | 2:03 | |
A2 | Open House | 4:16 | |
A3 | Style It Takes | 2:54 | |
A4 | Work | 2:36 | |
A5 | Trouble With Classicists | 3:40 | |
A6 | Starlight | 3:26 | |
A7 | Faces And Names | 4:11 | |
B1 | Images | 3:28 | |
B2 | Slip Away (A Warning) | 3:04 | |
B3 | It Wasn't Me | 3:29 | |
B4 | I Believe | 3:17 | |
B5 | Nobody But You | 3:44 | |
B6 | A Dream | 6:33 | |
B7 | Forever Changed | 4:49 | |
B8 | Hello It's Me | 3:03 |
prodáno | ||