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Nitin Sawhney ‎- Human
VVR1021851, 2 LP Album

prodáno / already sold

Nitin Sawhney ‎- Human  VVR1021851

Šesté album britsko-indického hudebníka, producenta a skladatele, jehož hudba v sobě spojuje asijské a další světové vlivy s prvky jazzu a elektroniky, ve svých textech se často zabývá tématy, jako je multikulturalismus, politika a spiritualita

The sixth album by a British Indian musician, producer and composer, his work combines Asian and other worldwide influences with elements of jazz and electronica and often explores themes such as multiculturalism, politics and spirituality

UK 2003
V3, VVR1021851
vnitřní obaly s texty/
inner sleeves with lyrics


A1 The River 4:21
A2 Eastern Eyes 4:50
A3 Say Hello 5:45
B1 Falling Angels 3:53
B2 Falling 4:49
B3 Heer 4:52
C1 Fragile Wind 4:16
C2 Promise 4:17
C3 Chetan Jeevan (Conscious Life) 3:11
D1 Rainfall 3:43
D2 Waiting (O Mistress Mine) 4:16
D3 Raag 6:18
D4 The Boatman 2:08

