Paul Simon With Urubamba And The Jessy Dixon Singers - Live Rhymin' Paul Simon In Concert
S 69059
Live LP Album
prodáno / already soldŽivé album amerického hudebníka, zpívajícího autora a herce Paula Simona, vydané v březnu 1974 u Columbia Records
Album bylo nahrané během Simonova 1973-74 turné
The live album by an American musician, singer-songwriter and actor Paul Simon, released in March 1974 by Columbia Records
It was recorded during Simon's 1973-74 tour
UK 1974
CBS, S 69059
A1 | Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard |
2:47 |
A2 | Homeward Bound | 2:45 |
A3 | American Tune | 3:58 |
A4 | El Condor Pasa (If I Could) | 4:08 |
A5 | Duncan | 5:11 |
A6 | The Boxer | 6:11 |
B1 | Mother And Child Reunion | 4:00 |
B2 | The Sound Of Silence | 4:27 |
B3 | Jesus Is The Answer | 3:28 |
B4 | Bridge Over Troubled Water | 7:10 |
B5 | Loves Me Like A Rock | 3:16 |
B6 | America | 4:35 |
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