Pink Floyd - Soundtrack From The Film "More"
5C 062.04096, SCX 6346, Album, 1st Dutch pressing
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První dlouhohrající soundtrack album a třetí studiové album anglické rockové skupiny Pink Floyd, vydané 13. června 1969 v UK a 9. srpna 1969 v USA
Film More byl natočen v Lucembursku v roce 1969 a byl režírován Barbetem Schroederem
Je to první album Pink Floyd bez zakládajícího člena Syda Barretta, který byl vyhozen ze skupiny na začátku roku 1968, během nahrávání předchozího alba A Saucerful of Secrets
Toto je jedno ze dvou alb Pink Floyd, kde sólové vokály nazpíval David Gilmour, tím druhým albem bylo v roce 1987 A Momentary Lapse of Reason a je to také první album produkované Pink Floyd bez asistence Normana Smitha
The first full-length soundtrack album, and third studio album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, released on 13 June 1969 in the UK and 9 August in the US
The film More was made in Luxembourg in 1969 and was directed by Barbet Schroeder
This is Pink Floyd's first full album without founding member Syd Barrett, who was ousted from the group in early 1968 during the recording of their previous album, A Saucerful of Secrets
It is one of the two Pink Floyd albums to feature David Gilmour as the sole lead vocalist, the other being 1987's A Momentary Lapse of Reason, and it is also the first album to be produced by Pink Floyd without assistance from Norman Smith
- Roger Waters - bass guitar, guitar, tape and birdsong effects, bongos, gong
- Nick Mason - percussion, drums, bongos
- Richard Wright - Hammond and Farfisa organs, piano, vibraphone, bongos, backing vocals
- David Gilmour - acoustic, electric, slide, and Flamenco guitars, tape effects, bongos, lead vocals
Holland 1969
Columbia, 5C 062.04096, SCX 6346
první holandský press, vydaný v laminovaném obalu, tištěném v UK/
first Dutch pressing, released in laminated sleeve, printed in the UK
A1 | Cirrus Minor | 5:10 |
A2 | The Nile Song | 3:21 |
A3 | Crying Song | 3:23 |
A4 | Up The Khyber | 2:08 |
A5 | Green Is The Colour | 2:52 |
A6 | Cymbaline | 4:41 |
A7 | Party Sequence | 1:05 |
B1 | Main Theme | 5:25 |
B2 | Ibiza Bar | 3:13 |
B3 | More Blues | 2:10 |
B4 | Quicksilver | 7:05 |
B5 | A Spanish Piece | 1:00 |
B6 | Dramatic Theme | 2:12 |
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