Robert Fripp - Exposure
2302 092, Album
prodáno / already soldPrvní sólové studiové album kytaristy Roberta Frippa (známého především jako jediný stálý člen progressive rockové skupiny King Crimson), vydané v roce 1979
The first solo studio album by guitarist Robert Fripp (best known as the only constant member of the progressive rock band King Crimson), released in 1979
Germany 1979
EG, Polydor, 2302 092
vnitřní obal s texty a kredity/
inner sleeve with lyrics and credits
A1 | Preface | 1:15 |
A2 | You Burn Me Up I'm A Cigarette | 2:23 |
A3 | Breathless | 4:41 |
A4 | Disengage | 2:46 |
A5 | North Star | 3:06 |
A6 | Chicago | 2:12 |
A7 | NY3 | 2:16 |
A8 | Mary | 2:06 |
B1 | Exposure | 4:25 |
B2 | Häaden Two | 2:53 |
B3 | Urban Landscape | 2:35 |
B4 | I May Not Have Had Enough Of Me But I've Had Enough Of You | 3:50 |
B5 | First Inaugural Address To The I.A.C.E. Sherborne House | 0:03 |
B6 | Water Music I | 1:27 |
B7 | Here Comes The Flood | 4:01 |
B8 | Water Music II | 4:16 |
B9 | Postscript | 0:39 |
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