Sex Pistols / The Ex Pistols - The Swindle Continues
72256-1, Split Album
prodáno / already soldPrvní album vydané Ex Pistols v roce 1988 sestává z poloviny skladeb Sex Pistols a poloviny skladeb Ex Pistols a je jedinou deskou Ex Pistols, která se nevydává za dílo Sex Pistols
The Ex Pistols byl podvodný projekt z roku 1979 producenta Davea Goodmena který se Sex Pistols spolupracoval pouze jednou, ale poté, co byly jeho služby nahrazeny profesionálními producenty, vytvořil The Ex Pistols jako zvukově a stylově podobnou skupinu, s cílem oklamat fanoušky podobností hudby, jména i grafického ztvárnění, což vedlo posluchače k domněnce, že se opravdu jedná o nové nebo ztracené nahrávky Sex Pistols
The first album released by the Ex Pistols in 1988, it consists of half Sex Pistols and half Ex Pistols material, and is the only Ex Pistols release that doesn't disguise itself as material completely by the Sex Pistols
The Ex Pistols were a scam act introduced in 1979 by one-time Sex Pistols producer Dave Goodman after his services were substituted for those of professional producers
The Ex Pistols existed as a sound-alike band meant to mislead fans due to the similar music, name, and artwork, that led people to believe their songs were actually new or lost Sex Pistols recordings
Pseudonymy použité na nahrávce/Pseudonyms used on the releases were
Rotten Johnny (pro/for Johnny Rotten)
Pull Cock (pro/for Paul Cook)
Steal Jones (pro/for Steve Jones)
Posh Pen Bollocks (pro/for Glen Matlock)
Skuteční muzikanti byli/Actual musicians were
Dave Slave - vocals
Alan Lee - guitar, vocals
Dave Goodman - bass guitar, vocals
Bryson Graham - drums
Del Bartle - guitar
Andy Boreman - drums
Dave MacIntosh - drums
Kevin Murphy - drums
Dave Rose - keyboards
USA 1988
Restless Records, 72256-1
A1 | Sex Pistols | God Save The Queen | 3:30 |
A2 | Sex Pistols | Problems | 4:09 |
A3 | Sex Pistols | Pretty Vacant | 3:28 |
A4 | Sex Pistols | Liar | 2:37 |
A5 | Sex Pistols | E.M.I. | 3:06 |
A6 | Sex Pistols | New York | 3:00 |
A7 | Sex Pistols | No Fun | 6:49 |
A8 | Sex Pistols | Anarchy In The U.K. | 3:59 |
B1 | The Ex Pistols |
Here We Go Again | 4:04 |
B2 | The Ex Pistols | Silly Thing | 2:50 |
B3 | The Ex Pistols | Dancing On The Dole | 2:26 |
B4 | The Ex Pistols | Anarchy In The U.K. | 3:32 |
B5 | The Ex Pistols | Revolution In The Classroom | 3:10 |
B6 | The Ex Pistols | Judging Minds | 2:56 |
B7 | The Ex Pistols | Sex On 45 | 3:37 |
B8 | The Ex Pistols |
The Swindle Continues | 3:00 |
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