Stanley Clarke / George Duke - The Clarke / Duke Project
EPC 84848
LP Album, reissue
prodáno / already soldPrvní společné album amerického basisty a zakládajícího člena Return to Forever (jedné z prvních fusion jazzových hudebních skupin) Stanleyho Clarka a amerického klávesisty, skladatele, zpěváka a producenta George Duka
Album vyšlo v roce 1981 u Epic Records
The first collaborative album an American bassist and founding member of Return to Forever, one of the first jazz fusion bands Stanley Clarke and an American keyboardist, composer, singer-songwriter and record producer George Duke
It was released in 1981 through Epic Records
- Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone - Gary Foster
- Bass, Guitar, Sitar, Cello, Vocals - Stanley Clarke
- Concertmaster - Charles Veal
- Conductor [Strings] - Jorge Del Barrio
- Drums - John Robinson
- Keyboards, Vocals, Percussion [Master Clapper] - George Duke
- Strings - Art Royval, Assa Drori, Barbara Thomason, Bonnie Douglas, Denyse Buffum, Dorothy Wade, Endre Granat, Fred Seykora, Israel Baker, Kenneth Yerke, Marcia Van Dyke, Nils Oliver, Paula Hochhalter, Rollice Dale, Selena Hurford, Sheldon Sanov
- Synthesizer [Bass] - George Duke, Michael Boddicker
- Trumpet [Piccolo, C] - Jerry Hey
- Producer - George Duke, Stanley Clarke
EU 19?? (manufactured Holland)
Epic, EPC 84848
vnitřní obal s texty/
inner sleeve with lyrics
A1 | Wild Dog | 3:30 |
A2 | Louie Louie | 5:06 |
A3 | Sweet Baby | 3:46 |
A4 | I Just Want To Love You | 3:50 |
A5 | Never Judge A Cover By Its Book |
1:43 |
B1 | Let's Get Started | 3:56 |
B2 | Winners | 4:01 |
B3 | Touch And Go | 4:37 |
B4 | Finding My Way | 5:36 |
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